recent Case studies in statistic

Our Team of Dedicated Attorneys Serving Our Clients

The statistics in chart form below are data containing the number of cases in the time period from May 2017 to November 2024, or 7 years and 6 months.

Case by The Year

This graph is based on the number of cases from 2017 to 2024. This time period is also divided into two phases, namely since the founding of Lokataru in 2017 and since HA Partner or HA Law was founded in 2020

Legal Handling

This graphic explains how legal services are handled or provided in handling cases based on the legal themes above. The categories are arranged based on cases received from 2017 to November 2024.

Legal Handling


Clients Identity and Background


Case by Theme


Out Of Cout Dispute Resolution

Out of Court Dispute Resolution

In handling disputes outside the court, there are several cases that are resolved, including through mediation and negotiation. Apart from civil cases, in criminal cases there is one solution, namely the issuance of a Notice of Cessation of the Investigation.

Client's identity and Background

In providing legal services, the firm accepts clients with various identities and backgrounds. In this section the table is divided into seventeen subjects or identities of clients handled by the firm from 2017 to November 2024
ESG Book

Exclusive Limited Edition

A book that provides complete information about Environment, Social and Governance  within the framework of Legislative Regulations in Indonesia

Our Team

Meet our Expert Lawyer & Attorney Board

Demands and desires for service improvement are not only driven by justice practitioners at HA Law, but also increasing client satisfaction, is our ultimate goal.